Valentine's Day Folk Bal - Saturday 15th February

Gemeentelijke feestzaal
Kerkomsesteenweg 45
3370 Boutersem
50.843365701907295, 4.8388441572334076

Saturday 15th February

20:00 Initium

Bruno Le Tron : accordéon diatonique
Franck Fagon : clarinette, clarinette basse, saxophone soprano
Pablo Molard guitare

Bruno Le Tron est connu pour ses compositions riches de musicalité et au swing inimitable, et son compère de longue date, Franck Fagon, pour ses improvisations énergiques et son sens du phrasé mélodique.

Plus récemment c’est Pablo Molard qui a rejoint le groupe, enrichissant de sa guitare les sonorités de l’accordéon, du saxophone et de la clarinette.

Les trois acolytes sont souvent réunis à l’occasion de stages spécifiques aux instruments de chacun ou consacrés à un travail de musique d’ensemble.

Ils vous entraîneront toute la nuit dans les danses de Bretagne aussi bien que celles de Centre-France au son de leur musique résolument moderne, inspirée des répertoires traditionnels.
22:30 Fyndus

Welcome to the wonderful world of Fyndus, a new musical folk duo with Emma Coopman (vocals, celtic harp & diatonic accordion) & Thomas Hoste (electro-acoustic alto hurdy-gurdy & sound effects).
Together we bring very danceable listening music or listenable dance music.
Be welcome to enjoy our musical stories and be enchanted by the magical harmony of our instruments.


Can I come without a dance partner?
Yes, please feel welcome to do so.
I have never danced (folk) before, what now?
Coming for the first time can be a bit outside of your comfort zone but be assured, no one will judge you on your dancing skills.
There will be an introduction class of 1 hour at 19:00, there we'll explain some common dances (hanter-dro, andro, scottisch, jig, bourré 2 times).
Folk dancing is relatively accessible to dance to and don't hesitate to ask some explanation more experienced dancers will be more than happy to show you some steps.
Also, you don't have to dance all night, enjoying the music and watching others dancing can also be delightful.
How can I get there?
While the Gemeentelijke feestzaal is a bit off the beaten path, it's still easily accessible by public transport. Here's a simple guide to help you plan your journey:

Option 1:
1.🚆Train to Leuven
Departure: Catch a train from your nearest station to Leuven, a major transportation hub in Belgium.
Visit ( to find the most up-to-date train schedules.
2. 🚌 Bus to Boutersem
Once in Leuven, board the bus 60 Leuven - Boutersem - Tienen
Destination: Get off at the bus stop Boutersem Rijkswacht.

Option 2: take the train to Vertrijk and walk 1.3km to the venue.

🚗 Coming by car is easy, you should find a parking spot a bit further on the gras on the side of the road or next to the sport hall. Kindly leave the spots in front of the venue for ♫ 🎻musicians 🎸, organization and visitors with limited mobility ♿.
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